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Showing posts from March, 2014

What's in my Purse? - Video

Hi Friends! I just posted my first video on YouTube! I am so excited! I have watched YouTube videos for years and have always wanted to make my own. I finally got the courage to create one! I really enjoy watching "What's in My Purse?" videos, so I thought this was fitting for my first. Please visit my YouTube channel Lindsey Says Stuff , subscribe, and like the video! XOXO, - Lindsey

Juice of the Day - Day 5

Today is Day 5. Yesterday was difficult for me. I'd been invited to go to a nice restaurant for a birthday party with some co-workers, but since I'm juicing, I wouldn't be able to eat anything. This presented a real challenge. All day I debated canceling, both because of the temptation to compromise and give in, and the misery of watching other people get to eat. Around the time I was supposed to be getting ready, I came across Dr. Oz's " Are You A Food Addict? " episode online. He asked five questions to help determine if you're addicted to food, one of which was "is food controlling your social life?" This really took me by surprise. At that moment, I decided I was not going to let this overpower me. I ended up going and had a blast! I'm so glad that I chose to take control over my addiction. Fortunately, today was a much better day for me. I felt good and full of energy.  I tried this juice recipe today and it tasted great! It

Juice of the Day - Day 4

Today is Day 4. It is still very hard to not eat anything, but we are getting there! This drink was delicious! It definitely had a light flavor to it that was refreshing. You also can really taste the green pepper. (Good thing I  like  green pepper!) This is the first time I've juiced with a green pepper and I was surprised at how much juice it produced! Here is today's juice... Ingredients: 2 Lady Alice apples 1 Barlett pear 2 carrots 1/2 cucumber (skin removed) 1/2 green bell pepper Let me know if you try this juice and what you think of it! -XOXO Lindsey

My 60-day Juice Fast

In February of 2014, I had a major headache. Concerned, my husband inquired about my blood pressure, which turned out to be 179/113 ( scary high).  No wonder I had a headache! Though my doctor ended up putting me on a blood pressure medicine, e verything in my entire being is fighting the fact that I am now on medication for something that I can control. How messed up is that? As a result, my husband and I decided to make a change. We'd tried juicing recently, and lost about 25 pounds each. But through lack of resolve and self-control, we failed. We have decided to try juicing again. This time around, I definitely have some ammunition to succeed: Get off these blood pressure meds!  I do not want to be fat anymore!  There are a lot of things I want, and being this way is holding me back from so much!  I do NOT want to be FAT... ANYMORE!!!!! So here I am, making a commitment: 60 days of doing what is right. Beginning to undo the wrong I have done to myself over the past