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Showing posts from January, 2010

Weight Watchers

I decided to join weight watchers a week and half ago. So far I have done very well with this. First week weight in 4.8 lbs lost. (Not bad) but only exercised once. However this week, I am struggling a little. I seem to be going back to that old habit of mine, boredom eating. As I have not (to this date) “cheated” but the urge is SO strong. I decided to start blogging about the success in this weight loss because of this reason. I feel if I fill my life with talking and writing about my weight loss and things I want to accomplish, it will keep my mind motivated and on task. (Right? Or am I just kidding myself?) Last night I had an epiphany though. I was able to for the first time in a week (I really mean two years and a week) to fit into a pair of jeans! Not a different size, but a different pair that was too small!!!! I was so excited about this! I couldn’t believe that in a week I had done just that little task. I felt very powerful and in control of my life, but that soon f